What others say about Resoul Sessions

I could really feel all the roots in my body going into the ground

It was really special. For me, the best part of it is when the Kundalini Activation starts my whole body wants to move. Another highlight was the part where were invited to root, and I love the drum with that, I could really feel all the roots in my body going into the ground. I feel then, that my body is portal for that energy to come through from the earth, moving up and out of my body into the sky. Creating connection and alignment. With the breath work I had to sit up because Iris her lightlanguage always activates me into expressing my own lightlanguage and playing with that. The journey felt really special and also joyful. In the room I could really feel the energy moving up, followed by release and then the stillness, a lot of peace and connection and that’s so beautiful.

Cassandrita Carmio

I felt that stuck energy moving all the way up

The last few months I felt a blockage in my pelvic area. I really felt stuck there. I practice Reiki and give energetic massage, but I couldn’t get it out myself. In the session I noticed that when I started to breathe, in combination with her lightlanguage, I felt that stuck energy moving all the way up. And then I had to cry a lot. It feels like I finally got my release. While journeying I also received such a clear insight on why it felt stuck and what it takes to heal it. 

Jolie Huisman

I feel so blessed that I could be here

The whole experience was amazing for me. I felt like I was coming back to my essence. We are always so much in the mind and I felt completely lose from my mind. So I could connect with my innervoice, with my blueprint. I travelled through many layers while doing the breathwork. I saw so many different colors, it was really beautiful. I feel so blessed that I could be here. And Iris was amazing with all the sounds she was making and her voice. It was just an amazing journey. I’m very happy that I was here to be in this amazing experience.

Judith Boerma

The energy felt so pure and powerful

Yeah, it was a really nice experience for me. I felt as if I was in an out-of-body experience where I could experience myself as my soul. The energy felt so pure and powerful. I was completely in trance, it was beautiful. I feel so glad I was here… and inspired. Thank you very much for this beautiful experience.

Mauricio Loboa

 I experienced how it was to be fully with myself

I feel very uplifted, I feel a lot of energy. I feel very happy, it was really amazing. In my daily life it’s difficult for me to take moments to rest, and to be with myself, and that was exactly my intention for this journey. I experienced how it was to be fully with myself during the journey. Iris is really a loving person and she is also funny. That immediately makes it comfortable for me to be with her, and to fully surrender to the experience.

Shiva Vroege

I’m very thankful for being here

It’s only one word, and that is trust. The only thing that matters in this life on earth, as spiritual beings. We are holy, we are complete, and the only thing that counts is that you trust. Of course a session like this doesn’t throw away all your problems. I have to do my homework. It is not a one evening session to fix everything.

It works and then you have to make the connection every time again and again. So that is the most important practice: repeating, repeating, connecting, connecting, connecting… tuning in. I look forward to the next time and I’m very thankful for being here. I recommend Iris to everybody, no one excepted, because everybody needs to see her and feel their real potential and real being.

Jan Ros