Resoul Rebels Alkemystiks

Your Individual Lightlanguage Lab program.

Free your Soul's Expression. Retrieve your Alchemy.

+30 years

Of Spiritual Development & Training


Shamanic Journey Downloads (Podcast)

+15 years

Guiding Groups & Transformation

One program, 3 options, all levels.

Learn to voice lightlanguage and use it as a healing tool.

Birthing your alchemy in a safe, playful yet profound way.

The adventure of your Soul expressing itself

Iris is here to serve as a 'midwife of our Soul’s Expression', guiding you to overcome shyness, shame and other self-sabotaging fears around you expressing your Soul's Lightlanguage. She loves to help you retrieve your Frequency-Alchemy. 

The sessions in every Alkemystiks package, are designed to guide you into trance. This helps to navigate who you are beyond the mind, connecting you to your intuitive gifts.

In the most loving, safe and playful yet profound way you'll be guided to liberate and explore your Soul's Expression. As you learn to simply allow your unique frequency and lightlanguage to flow. 

This is for you if you long to:

  • Unlock and explore your intuitive skills and ability to read and channel lightlanguage
  • Be guided individually in your breakthroughs and receive undivided attention.
  • Increase your trust and confidence to express your sacred voice and lightlanguage
  • Explore how to use lightlanguage as a tool for healing, clearing, and aligning.
  • Discover the fields you work with naturally and lovingly reclaim your gifts
  • Be in the heart more, having a precious tool to move beyond the mind instantly 
    • Explore your unique expression using various lightlanguage modalities and have fun while we explore profound themes together
    • Reflect on your discoveries and be able to continue your explorations in between sessions.
    • Receive guidance on setting up a safe space to channel lightlanguage.
    • Dive into your true expression from a place of joy and freedom
    • Birth your lightlanguage expressions and tools, for yourself or to bring it into the world.

Opening up to your Multidimensional Beingness

What if you could tap into this inborn multidimensional energyworker inside of you? 

What if you would re-member a language beyond the mind, straight from the heart?

Immediately helping you to be in the heart.

To move the energy and e-motions inside of you, in a powerful and joyful way.

What if you re-member how to communicate and express yourself effortlessly from that place.

From a knowing. From your Soul's seat.

Opening up to your Multidimensional Beingness

What if you could tap into this inborn multidimensional energyworker inside of you? 

What if you would re-member a language beyond the mind, straight from the heart.

Immediately helping you to be in the heart. To move the energy and e-motions inside of you, in a powerful and joyful way. 

What if you re-member how to communicate and express yourself effortlessly from that place. 

From a knowing. From your Soul's seat.

Iris her presence gave me such a safe feeling that I could surrender myself to everything that presented itself during the ceremonies. Lightlanguage activation gives me the feeling that I have found my voice again. I'm ready to explore this whole thing.

Rianne Baard

Each of us carry a unique and

sacred frequency language.

This is your lightlanguage. 

The voice of your Soul wants

to speak it's beautiful heart.

Each of us carry a unique and sacred frequency language. 

This is your lightlanguage. 

The voice of your Soul 

wants to speak it's beautiful heart.

Unlock your Alkemystik. 

Re-member you're Medicine.

Alkemystiks Program Chunks

    Explore Your Alchemy

    Journey into trance-formative ceremonial sessions tailored to your level, your unique lightlanguage expression, desires, and destination. From opening your sacred voice on deeper levels and activating your lightlanguage, to exploring a wider variety of languages, forms of expression and ways to use lightlanguage as your healing tool. We'll go as you flow.

    Sacred Medicine Journey

    Experience remembrance, healing and activations on even deeper levels by going in plant medicine together. You’ll be on a discovery in a safe, supportive space and accompanied by a highly multidimensional field.

    Integration and Actualizing Sessions

    Deepen your embodiment of any teachings, insights, and activations you gathered, as you step into your role as a multidimensional energy worker and lightlanguage channel. 

    Extra Resoul (Group)Sessions

    Perfect sessions for you to integrate or deepen various of things that pop up during the program. There is so much to explore, to express and liberate.

Using trance, play, kundalini, voice and lightlanguage activations, you will:

  • Liberate, discover and activate your sacred voice 
  • Explore how lightlanguage is a tool for healing, clearing, and aligning.
  • Learn to work with intention, retrieving your alchemy
  • Learn to move into trance-state by yourself
  • Reconnect with your higher wisdom. Deepen your intuitive (reading) skills
  • Birth your unique expression by exploring various lightlanguage modalities.
  • Grow confidence through practice and play.
  • Receive support to continue your explorations in between sessions.
  • Feel more and more free to follow your excitement and step into purpose
  • Receive guidance to set up a safe and cleared space to channel lightlanguage
  • When you are ready, we'll develop the structure needed to start sharing your gifts with the world.






Activate your Soul’s Language of Light 

  • 1 Aligning Journey
  • 3 Explore your Alchemy Sessions
  • 2 Resoul Sessions (extra)

Alkemystiks I

Become your own Lightlanguage Medicine
  • 1 Aligning Journey
  • 2 Explore your Alchemy Sessions
  • 1 Day in Sacred Plantmedicine
  • 1 Integration Session
  • 1 Explore your Alchemy Session
  • 2 Resoul Sessions (extra)

Alkemystiks II

Bring it into the World
  • 1 Aligning Journey
  • 2 Explore your Alchemy Sessions
  • 1 Day in Sacred Plantmedicine
  • 1 Integration Session
  • 3 Actualising Sessions
  • 3 Resoul Sessions (extra)

You can always:

  • Extend with single sessions (Aligning, Exploring your Alchemy, or Actualising Sessions) to continue or ‘refresh/reset’
  • Combine the Sourcecode-Journey with your InnerFireStarter and/or Alkemystiks-program
  • Start any Alkemystiks program and take it next level with extra modules