Video Aspect Ratio: 9:4


Shamanic Kundalini Activation. Join us in ceremony.

Journey inward on soul-connecting frequencies, vocals and sounds

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+30 years

Of Spiritual Development & Training


Shamanic Journey Downloads (Podcast)

+15 years

Guiding Groups & Transformation

Immerse yourself in a transformative 3 hour ceremony. Weaving kundalini activation,

a live lightlanguage soundjourney and empowering breathwork.

Journey into remembrance of your bigger truth

Amidst endless distractions it's so important to regularly reconnect with your heart, soul and life force energy. 

That's why we designed these 3hr shamanic ceremonial sessions, containing an empowering mix of Kundalini Activating Energy, lightlanguage vocals, instruments... your own breath and sounds. Let your higherwisdom and subconcious do the rest! 

Gift yourself a time, space and place for a liberating, soothing, soulconnecting journey and remember the bigger truth of who you are.

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Single tickets only 64!

Firsttimers get 11% off

Resoul Session - A 3hr liberating, soothing & soul-connecting journey

First time? We love to welcome you for a sweet introduction fee.

Use: 2RESOUL1ST for 11% off = 57,-

  • Every other week on saturday from 15:00 - 18:00hr 
  • Sometimes on friday from 15:00 - 18:00hr 
  • Press the button to check our dates 

Location: Prinses Beatrixlaan 23, The Hague (incl. private parking)

No experience needed, see FAQ for contra-indications and how to prepare. Free Parking. Depending on the group both English & Dutch spoken. 

The gifts of resouling...

  • Using the most powerful tools to journey into altered states naturally
  • A unique intuitively channeled live 'soundjourney' everytime
  • Feeling extra empowered by a breathwork-technique you can 'take home'
  • Invokes feelings of relaxation, connectedness, and flow.
  • Increase self love and self acceptance.
  • Learn to express yourself unashamedly, wild and free.
  • Release your shizzl in a healthy way. Empower your Inner-Healer.
  • Heightened levels of awareness, vibrancy and intimacy.
  • Aligning you with your natural excitement and soul purpose.
  • A regular accessible practice to truly embody your transformation.
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Moving back into your natural freedom and free-flow

With her voice and drum Iris guides you into a deep meditative trance state, quieting the mind and activating the wisdom of your body and heartknowing. The energetics and sacred sounds speak to your soul directly.

Every step in the journey is designed to reconnect you with the transformative power of your body, mind and soul in the most benifical and pleasurable way.

Allowing you to release old stagnant energies. Creating a space to receive insights, explore a new and more free way of being, and live in closer alignment with your soul’s natural excitement.

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Moving back into your natural freedom and free-flow

With her voice and drum Iris guides you into a deep meditative trance state, quieting the mind and activating the wisdom of your body and heartknowing. 

The energetics and sacred sounds speak to your soul directly.

Every step in the journey is designed to reconnect you with the transformative power

of your body, mind and soul in the most benifical and pleasurable way.

Allowing you to release old stagnant energies. Creating a space to receive insights, explore a new

and more free way of being, and live in closer alignment with your soul’s natural excitement.

Book our next ceremony
"A session with Iris is an experience of love, power and the best boost you can give yourself to open your heart and let your energy flow freely again. The highlight for me was the release of energy that felt stuck for a long time in my belly and throat. It was vibrated out by the sounds and energywork. I felt lifted and surrounded by many highly vibrating lights. It’s a week later now and I still feel cleansed, carried and light. 
Marianne den Anker
"A session with Iris is an experience of love, power and the best boost you can give yourself to open your heart and let your energy flow freely again. The highlight for me was the release of energy that felt stuck for a long time in my belly and throat. It was vibrated out by the sounds and energywork. I felt lifted and surrounded by many highly vibrating lights. It’s a week later now and I still feel cleansed, carried and light. 
Marianne den Anker

Be part of a Resoul Rebelution

Find Freedom & Lust for Life

Learn to release what no longer serves. Beyond the stories.

So life can flow through you, like a river.

Empower your Inner-Healer

The wisdom to heal is inside you. We'll help you surrender to it,

becoming your own medicine.

Remember you're Soul

Working with powerful inner-journey modalities. Used to reconnect you with

the bigger truth of who you are. 

Find Freedom & Lust for Life

Learn to release what no longer serves. Beyond the stories.

So life can flow through you, like a river.

Empower your Inner-Healer

The wisdom to heal is inside you. We'll help you surrender to it,

becoming your own medicine.

Remember you're Soul

Working with powerful inner-journey modalities. Used to reconnect you with

the bigger truth of who you are. 

FAQ Resoul sessions

Are there contra-indications for the sessions?

All sessions can evoke altered states of conciousness. If you have a (history of) clinical anxiety, panic attacks or psychosis the sessions are too strong for you now.

In Resoul Sessions we do breathwork. Contra-indications are: pregnancy, epilepsy, high blood pressure, high inner eye pressure, detached retina, cardiovascular problems, (a history of) strokes, recent surgery (broken bones/ wounds in the chest & still recovering). If you are experiencing one of the above adding breathwork to the session is too strong now. Contact me in case of doubt on whether you can participate. Also always contact your doctor in case of doubt.

How to prepare for Resoul Sessions?

- Doors open 15 minutes before the session. Make sure you are settled in, so we can start on time.
- For all levels, no experience needed
- Bring your water + bottle. It can be nice to bring a (sweet) snack you can grab after your session.
- We have mats, just bring a towel/plaid to cover for hygiene.
- Bring extra clothes/layers in case you get cold or sweaty (this is a normal side-effect;)
- You might like to bring a sleeping-mask or blindfold to go inward with more ease.
- Eat light, or long enough before to not feel too full.
- Don’t overdo coffee-intake (makes it harder to sink in the journey).
- No alcohol the evening before and after helps to get more out of it.

What people are saying

Mauricio Lobao 

It was a really nice experience for me. I felt as if I was in an out-of-body experience where I could experience myself as my soul. The energy felt so pure and powerful. I was completely in trance, it was beautiful. I feel so glad I was here… and inspired. Thank you very much for this beautiful experience.

Shiva Vroege

In my daily life it’s difficult for me to take moments to rest, and to be with myself, and that was exactly my intention for this journey. I experienced how it was to be fully with myself during the journey. Iris is really a loving person and she is also funny. That immediately makes it comfortable for me to be with her, and to fully surrender to the experience. I feel very uplifted, happy and a lot of energy. It was really amazing.

Jan Ros

It is not a one evening session to fix everything. This is not a show. It works and then you have to make the connection every time again and again. So that is the most important practice: repeating, repeating, connecting, connecting, connecting… tuning in. I look forward to the next time and I’m very thankful for being here. I recommend Iris to everybody, no one excepted, because everybody needs to see her and feel their real potential and real being.

Single tickets only 64!

Firsttimers get 11% off

Resoul Session - A 3hr  liberating, soothing & soulconnecting journey

First time? We love to welcome you for a sweet introduction fee.

Use: 2RESOUL1ST for 11% off = 57,-

  • Every other week on saturday from 15:00 - 18:00hr 
  • Sometimes on friday from 15:00 - 18:00hr 
  • Press the button to check our dates 

Location: Prinses Beatrixlaan 23, The Hague (incl. private parking)

No experience needed, see FAQ for contra-indications and how to prepare. Free Parking. Depending on the group both English & Dutch spoken.